TAZZU WordPress Camp
WordPress users: don't miss this event!
What: Tazzu WordPress Camp
When: Wed. April the 30th from 5:30 to 8:30pm
Where: The Network Hub - 422 Richards St. Vancouver BC
A bit about WordPress
WordPress is perhaps the most commonly used Blogging web application on the web. We blog to express ourselves, share our thoughts, or promote our businesses.
WordPress is one of the simplest forms of Social Media Content Management Systems where one or few people write blog posts, and many readers are able to provide feedback through comments. The social aspect of a blog makes it a very effective Communication and Marketing tool.
WordPress is an Open Source software released under the GPL and many aspects of it relies on the wisdom of the crowds. WordPress comes with a large list of plugins developed by community members. Many successful blogging techniques and methods have also been created as a result of community members who have collectively built on each other's ideas and creativity.
Rebecca Bollwitt
TOPIC: Adding photos [flickr, permissions, links, gallery plugins, badges] to your WordPress blog.
She is a blogging and social media star. A Podcaster, hyper-local blogger, new media outreach wiz, mainstream media pundit ~ Vancouver’s new ‘blogebrity’ – Rebecca Bollwitt has been blogging about Vancouver since 2004 on Miss604.com, podcasting RadioZoom since 2005 and is a co-host of The Crazy Canucks Podcast. You can find Rebecca live blogging at many of the social media conferences around BC - watch for her!
Bruce Byfield
TOPIC: The Joys of Amateur Blogging.
Bruce is a contributing editor for the SourceForge sites Linux.com and the IT Manager’s Journal. Among other topics, he reports on the Debian Project, the Free Software Foundation, licensing issues, and office applications.
He also writes a monthly blog for the Linux Journal website, which tends to center on varying aspects of OpenOffice.org, the free software office suite. In addition to his online publications, he has published in such magazines as Linux Journal, Maximum Linux, and The New Internationalist.
John Chow
TOPIC: How to make money using a WordPress Blog.
Residing in Richmond BC, and hailed as a Dot Com Mogule - John has received much publicity (The Province, Vancouver Sun, Entreprenuer Magazine, BC Business, Globe and Mail, and T.V.) for his ability to make money - LOTS of it - by blogging.
His free eBook “Make Money Online with John Chow dot Com” is a huge success, and documents everything he did to take his blog from $0 to over $10,000 per month in just eight months.
Monica Hamburg
TOPIC: Blogging & Social Media.
Monica is a Freelance Writer and Social Media Evangelist/Consultant who calls Vancouver BC home.
Me Like The Interweb: Thoughts & Articles @bout Social Media (Crowdsourcing and more) is Monica’s blog where she writes engaging and insightful articles about her investigations and observations on this new phenomenon.
Greg Andrews
TOPIC: Good Typography in WordPress.
Greg Andrews is a Writer and Web Developer and Blogger for Techvibes.
Born and raised in Edmonton, Greg was blogging about his high school drama long before it was fashionable. In the Spring of 2007, half a year out of school, Greg moved to Vancouver in search of interesting technology and the Canadian dream.
Kulpreet Singh
TOPIC: Using WordPress to create a custom library, catalog, or other mashup-type site.
Kulpreet is the Communications Manager at Creative Gift Solutions, and has extensive experience in web design, web programming, graphic design, desktop publishing, copywriting, fundraising, public relations, advertising, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, social media optimization, blogging, content management systems, ebusiness, marketing management, and other types of integrated marketing communications.
Duane Storey
TOPIC: WordPress and mobile blogging – i.e. how to read and write from an iPhone
Duane is a Principal Engineer at CounterPath Corporation as well as freelance Photographer and Software Developer.
Currently he offers services in the fields of software development/testing/documentation, web development, Facebook application development, document layout and typesetting, writing, or general geekery.
- www.Automattic.com & www.wordpress.org
- www.bluefur.com
- Citizens Bank
- PeerGlobe Technology
- JenTekk Web Solutions
- rmd Studio Inc.
- The Network Hub
- www.tazzu.com
The Event
The Event will be 3 hours long. Each Presenter will get 20 minutes to share their ideas. There will be two 20 min. breaks, so we can stretch and socialize.
We will learn how to reach a larger audience by using WordPress in conjunction with other web services and social networking websites such as Flickr, YouTube, Slideshare, Facebook, and Google Calendar.
We will also have an opportunity to share and exchange tips and how-to's on WordPress and Blogging in general.
Would you like to sponsor this event?
You could contribute to the event by either providing funds or spreading the word and becoming a media sponsor. In exchange we will put your logo, name and link on all the publications and announcements in regard to this event.
We will be using the funds for the projector rental, coffee and doughnuts, and the first round of Beer for the after party at the Steamworks.
Become a Media Sponsor and we will place your name and website on all our announcements:
- Write a blog post about the event
- Take pictures from the event and share them online
- Make video clips from the event and share them online
- Twit, Twit, Twitter the event !!!
Please email me (Jen) if you are interested or need more information on sponsorship.
Posted in Announcements