In the Creative

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I hauled my drawing supplies out of the storage shed today - something I've been thinking about doing for a few months.

Back in 2003 I'd picked up the book Drawing for Dummies wondering if there was anything to my elementary school habit of doodling. After working through the first 88 pages, I couldn't wait to put what I'd learned to the test. Grabbing an old National Geographic, I found this photo of a Koala bear in a eucalyptus tree and gave it a shot. I'm pleased with how it turned out... I did embellish the smile a little.

Happy Koala Bear - 2004

Happy Koala Bear by Jen Duguay

As you can see I didn't quite did finish it. This was my first and only attempt at drawing. Life came knocking at my door as life often does, and along with a few other creative outlets, I temporarily put my new pencils and sketch pad aside to navigate through more pressing matters.

Fortunately, like the seasons, life moves on, we grow, and priorities shift. Today, I look forward to discovering myself anew in the creative - that mysterious quality which hints to the image of God we all bear - and finding a healthier balance between work and play.

Posted in Jen Unplugged


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