Joomla wins 2017 Best Free CMS Award

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On November 6th 2017, CMS Critic announced the winners of the CMS Critic Awards 2017. Joomla! has been competing in the Best Free CMS category and won again!

joomla cms critic awards 2017

Joomla! has received a CMS Critic award 4 times in a row. A great big thank you to everyone who helped make this happen.

Thanks to CMS Critic for the organization of the yearly competition and the constant follow up of the CMS scene.

Thank you to the entire Joomla! Community who supports and collaborates every day in the development of the platform. A 100% volunteer oriented organization faces lots of challenges to keep up with the fast paced evolution of technology. Way to pitch in everyone.

Finally, an acknowledgment to the commited core team of developers and testers who recently raised the bar of the content definition on Joomla! introducing Custom Fields for Articles, Users and more. The new Custom Fields are a game changer and reshapes the definition of our CMS ecosystem.

Looking forward to the 2018 awards. More amazing features are on the way!

Posted in Joomla


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