Joomla World Conference 2016

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Is your Company or Organization website built on Joomla! CMS? Do you want to learn more about Joomla from leading experts around the globe? Is networking part of your marketing strategy? Are you an open source enthusiast who could use a break, or looking for some inspiration?

If you've answered yes to any of these questions then Joomla World Conference 2016 is for you!

Joomla World Conference (JWC) 2016

Joomla World Conference Story

JWC started in 2012 in San Jose, CA, with a little over 200 attendees, and has grown every year, moving to Boston in 2013, Cancun in 2014 and Bangalore in 2015. JWC is planning for over 500 attendees in 2016 as it takes a big jump to Canada. The goal is to be able to include and engage our thriving and growing community. Help spread the word:#JWC16


Date: November 11 - 13, 2016
Venue: Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre
City: Vancouver BC

For more information: Joomla World Conference 2016

Need to convince your boss to let you go? Top 6 Reasons to Send Me to Joomla World Conference 2016

I will be there as a long-standing Joomla Community Supporter & Sponsor, to network, meet old friends, and to make new ones. Hope to see you there!

Posted in Joomla


We'll meet for coffee or chat on the phone. You share your thoughts, we listen carefully, ask a few questions and offer some ideas - it's that easy.

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