Vancouver Joomla DemoCamp – join us!

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Joomla! ... because open source matters

You may notice that JenTekk is becoming more and more involved in activities surrounding Joomla – as a participant and sponsor.

This is in part due to the fact that I adore the product – sure call me a Joomlarette if you want to! In addition, any projects that Rastin Mehr (from rmd Studio) and I collaborate on almost always involve using Joomla CMS. Rastin’s the fella that got me hooked on Joomla. I’m okay with this!

So I’d like to inform you of our next event: Vancouver Joomla DemoCamp

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Joomla DocCamp – fun to the finish!

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Hey! I attended my very first ever Joomla event this past Saturday - namely the Vancouver Joomla DocCamp - which JenTekk sponsored and co-hosted. With no expectations other than to meet people, have fun, play with and write about Joomla 1.5, it did not disappoint.

Joomla DocCamp Vancouver BC Canada

[ photo courtesy of Rastin Mehr of rmd Studio ]

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JenTekk co-sponsors Joomla DocCamp

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Joomla! DocCamp is an exciting community effort, where a number of Joomla Developers and writers will be getting together to write documentation for the new Joomla! 1.5 framework.

Joomla! Doc camp will be happening simultaneously in many cities around the globe. So far, Vancouver BC, Brussels, and Washington DC have indicated they will be involved in this great community event.

January 19th Joomla! DocCamp

We will be collaborating and writing documentation for Joomla, and having fun in the process. There will be live Blogging, Flickring, posted YouTube videos, interviews with the participants, and possibly a live video stream so that our counter-parts around the world can join us (virtually) in the fun!

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