BC Kids Writing Contest - Express Yourself!

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We really enjoy designing sites for kids. It demands color, energy and a certain playfulness. That's what we feel we've accomplished with the BC Library's latest Kids educational project - Express Yourself: The BC Kids Writing Contest.

The BC Kids Writing Contest 2011

JenTekk was contacted June 1st, 2011 with an opportunity to design a small site for the BC Library Association in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, providing Kids with an opportunity to showcase their writing skills. The only catch was, they needed it done yesterday.

Unable to resist a challenge, working with the BC Library Association again and finally for the love of our kids - I took it on. Fortunately all the preliminary work was ready: basic content, site objectives, and functionality requirements. I'm happy to say the site was completed in under 3 weeks and right on time for the official launch & start of the competition.

Thank you!

Thanks once again to BC Library Association et al for this unique and exciting opportunity! May the "Express Yourself" writing contest be a huge success!

Posted in Kids Sites


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