Gift from BC Library Association & Ministry of Education

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Look at what arrived in the mailbox today! A copy of the book "Express Yourself!" a compilation of the top 30 winning stories from last year's B.C. Kids Writing Contest.

Express Yourself! The BC Kids Wrting Contest

In short: last June JenTekk received an email from the Ministry of Education inquiring about creating a website for an online kids writing contest they were sponsoring. The contest was to be a part of a province-wide celebration: the BC Libraries 100th Anniversary!

I jumped at the opportunity. Having designed BC Library Association's Kids Summer Reading Club websites since 2006 – and enjoying it full tilt – I couldn't resist.

As a token of their appreciation, the Ministry of Education they sent me this copy of the commemorative book.

Thank you to BCLA, Ministry of Education and Province of BC for this delightful token of your appreciation, and for the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful celebration.

Posted in Kids Sites


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