The Power of Connections to #makestuffhappen
"My mom always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
~ Forrest Gump
Every once in a while this quote comes to mind, as it does now while I reflect with gratitude on life's kinder, sweeter side...
Thomas Schmitz
Back in 2016, Thomas Schmitz, VP of Ischebeck Can Ltd. hired me to help strengthen their website presence.
It was imperative that the site not only showcase their products, but also translate their vision of humble competence, quality and integrity.
Through our collaboration, we successfully accomplished these objectives, and what followed was a mutually respectful business relationship.
Last fall, Thomas and I decided to meet for coffee, catch-up on business, and discuss what we could do next to increase Ischebeck Can's online presence.
Concentrating on the art and science of website development, I looked to my connections and shared with Thomas the name of someone who would be more than able to leverage the robust website I had developed for him... social media strategist, author and speaker Jonathan Christian, founder of We Make Stuff Happen.
Jonathan Christian
I met Jonathan at a small business networking event years ago, and was impressed not only with his knowledge of social media, but also with something else. In the 30 or so minutes that Jonathan was given to share how to leverage Google and Google Business, it became apparent that the source of his passion was in helping people - full stop.
When you see that quality in someone, the impression lasts.
Back to last fall. I contacted Jonathan for the first time and spoke with him about Thomas' interest in social media. Long story short, Thomas and Jonathan are now working together to further elevate Ischebeck Can's online presence. All around, this is a perfect example of win-win-win.
And then, Social Media Bootcamp 2018
But the story doesn't stop here.
Unexpectantly, and as an expression of gratitude and a thank you gift on behalf of We Make Stuff Happen, Jonathan invited me to attend their Social Media Winter Bootcamp 2018... on-the-house. As in FREE.
Connecting Jonathan and Thomas was reward enough for me. My payback had already come in making the introduction, being a support to of each of their interests, and the sense of contribution, purpose and community I felt in doing so.
"Giving is in our DNA" explains Jonathan.
Humbled and grateful, I accepted this generous gift and enjoyed a 6 week journey through the virtual world of social media; a medium I'd adopted early but knew little about.
The gift that keeps on giving
This story wraps up with me feeling blessed, and empowered to empower. That's the power of connections.
I'm still working on a few exercises and determined to meet all my personal and business goals, but can say without hesitation that this strategy-rich 6 week bootcamp was time wisely invested. The value and benefits have already extended beyond anything I could have imagined.
I will continue to focus solely on developing intelligent high-performance websites, but am happy to be able to share freely with my clients the power of social media through personal experience; speak more clearly to the possibilities and opportunities it provides, and guide them in the best direction.
Many thanks
Thank you Jonathan and Debbie (Director of Social Community and J's wife-for-life) for this delightful surprise.
Thanks for your authenticity and pay-it-forward philosophy; you two are an inspiration to me.
I look forward to a thriving business relationship and friendship with you, Lindsay Carlson, Susan Elford and the rest of the tribe.
Graduation Day
Last but not least... my graduation certificate. :)
Posted in Marketing