2012 Kids SRC - Strange... But True?

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JenTekk is pleased to announce the launch of the Kids Summer Reading Club 2012 website themed "Strange... But True?" We've now had the pleasure of creating the Kids SRC website for 7 years in a row and couldn't be more pleased.

Kids SRC 2012 website

The Kids SRC is designed to get children reading, with the use of a fun theme, posters, stickers, a reading record, bookmarks, completion medals, and novelty items. In addition each year they have a new designed website which offers 7 quizzes (1 for each week of the program) word puzzles, and fun games.

This year's artist is Mike Deas. Mike is an author/illustrator of graphic novels. His love for illustrative storytelling comes from an early love of reading and drawing while growing up on Saltspring Island.

Thank you!

Once again, a great big thank to the very cool people at BC Library Association for this fun & rewarding opportunity.

The 2012 Summer Reading Club is sponsored by the British Columbia Library Association and your local public library with the assistance of the Public Library Services Branch, Ministry of Education, The Honourable George Abbott, Minister.

Posted in Kids Sites

Gift from BC Library Association & Ministry of Education

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Look at what arrived in the mailbox today! A copy of the book "Express Yourself!" a compilation of the top 30 winning stories from last year's B.C. Kids Writing Contest.

Express Yourself! The BC Kids Wrting Contest

In short: last June JenTekk received an email from the Ministry of Education inquiring about creating a website for an online kids writing contest they were sponsoring. The contest was to be a part of a province-wide celebration: the BC Libraries 100th Anniversary!

I jumped at the opportunity. Having designed BC Library Association's Kids Summer Reading Club websites since 2006 – and enjoying it full tilt – I couldn't resist.

As a token of their appreciation, the Ministry of Education they sent me this copy of the commemorative book.

Thank you to BCLA, Ministry of Education and Province of BC for this delightful token of your appreciation, and for the opportunity to be a part of this wonderful celebration.

Posted in Kids Sites

Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine

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Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (BINM) first contacted JenTekk in the fall of 2010 about improving their presence through a redesign of their website's look and feel including the amalgamation of 3 existing (Joomla CMS) websites: BINM main site, BINM Continuing Education, and the BINM Medical Clinic - see below...

Before: Main site

Boucher Institute Website

Posted in Before & After

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Joomla 2.5 is released! Should I upgrade?

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With the very recent release of Joomla 2.5, many of you may be wondering whether or not to upgrade your existing Joomla 1.0 or 1.5 website.

ThemePartner has created an easy to understand flow-chart to help you decide. Work your way down by answering a series of questions, and you will have your answer!

Should I upgrade to Joomla 2.5?

Thanks to ThemePartner for this great flow-chart.

Don't hesitate to contact me if you are thinking about upgrading your existing Joomla website, or have any questions.

Posted in Joomla

How to avoid scope creep

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How to avoid Scope Creep

A while back, I was hired by a company to assist them with their website. We sat down over a great cuppa java and hashed out a game plan for what was to be a relatively small job.

As per usual, I outlined all the project's details in a proposed scope of work, along with a quote and payment time-line. Client approved the details, appreciated the timely manner in which I would submit the deliverables, and cut me a cheque for the deposit.

As the project neared completion, the client began submitting requests to also "just add this" and "quickly do that"... all of which were not 'quick/simple' tasks, nor included in the agreed upon scope of work.

Posted in Website Development

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BC Kids Writing Contest - Express Yourself!

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We really enjoy designing sites for kids. It demands color, energy and a certain playfulness. That's what we feel we've accomplished with the BC Library's latest Kids educational project - Express Yourself: The BC Kids Writing Contest.

The BC Kids Writing Contest 2011

JenTekk was contacted June 1st, 2011 with an opportunity to design a small site for the BC Library Association in conjunction with the Ministry of Education, providing Kids with an opportunity to showcase their writing skills. The only catch was, they needed it done yesterday.

Unable to resist a challenge, working with the BC Library Association again and finally for the love of our kids - I took it on. Fortunately all the preliminary work was ready: basic content, site objectives, and functionality requirements. I'm happy to say the site was completed in under 3 weeks and right on time for the official launch & start of the competition.

Thank you!

Thanks once again to BC Library Association et al for this unique and exciting opportunity! May the "Express Yourself" writing contest be a huge success!

Posted in Kids Sites


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